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All About Uranus

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"Astronomical observations bear out the astrological meaning of Uranus. Most planetary equators lie more or less in the plane of the solar system. In other words, what is north for earth is also north for Jupiter. Not so with Uranus. This planet does not spin in its orbit. It rolls. Its north is nearly perpendicular to our own. Even in space, the planet of individuality dances to its own tune." ~Steven Forrest, The Inner Sky


There is something in each of us that we may call by many names; I'll call it spirit here. There is some part of us that we can feel would be the same no matter what family we were born to or what country we lived in, and it's that part of us that we must be true to in order to not let outside forces become too involved in shaping who we are alone. Uranus represents the urge we all have to reach for our higher selves and find our unique place, our individuality, our desire to understand ourselves outside of the collective.


I think we access the three outer planets in a different way than the others. The distance we have to reach in order to make a conscious response to their influence in us is symbolized by their sheer distance from the earth. To truly understand the part of us represented by these planets, we have to reach beyond ourselves, set our eye on goals of self-actualization that go beyond the material, the short term, or the narrow vision of a life made up of simply stimulus and response. If we don't bring the urges these planets represent into consciousness, we can only experience them in their unconscious effects, responding low on the spectrum of possibility without realizing the source of these urges and harnessing them for their true and higher purpose. We become victims to our own shadow without even identifying it.


A high, conscious response to Uranus is to be willing to break the rules that need to be broken, to be able to question the perceived authority in one's life and transcend (not destroy or shun entirely) the social programming that does not fit us. We each do this in a different way and have different battles to face in this quest. A low, unconscious response to Uranus is needless rebellion just to show off or to prove something, being inflexible and contrary just because you can or just because it makes you feel powerful, and disowning any responsibility to others by using the excuse that it compromises 'who you are', thereby taking the urge to fight for our rights and using it as a bludgeon to beat our path clear as well as whomever we perceive is standing in the way.


To embrace Uranus, we must understand the part of us that is not just a conglomerate of experience, search inside ourselves for the voice that is unmoved by circumstance, but is steadfast and truly us. Then we must have the courage to live according to those principles that this voice whispers and do so responsibly and authentically. We must not be afraid to rock the boat but we must be willing to understand that everyone around us is not obligated to make way for the anarchist in each of us, because they each have an anarchist inside them, too. So somehow we've all got to make room for each other, not make demands of each other, but remember that we must make room for ourselves, too.


Pure Uranus doesn't care about fulfilling its urge reasonably or considerately, however. It has no problem being loud and disruptive. Sometimes being outrageous is required, to break out of the sleepiness we can allow to overcome us. Much is required of us to fit into society and fitting in sometimes means survival. We can see that we need to behave appropriately in order to keep our jobs, compromise in order to have meaningful relationships, sacrifice in order to achieve our goals. Uranus is by no means representative only of the spoiled child in us (although we can channel that energy with Uranus if we wish) but it is the part of us that jolts us awake when we have fallen asleep and are living someone else's life.


Uranus was discovered in 1781 and takes about 84 years to orbit the sun. It spends about 7 years going through a sign. People close your age probably share the sign placement of Uranus, as well as Neptune and Pluto, depending on how close in age to you they are. The three outer planets imprint their generation (or a mini generation in the case of Uranus and Neptune which move faster than Pluto) with a certain cosmic consciousness, a vibration that you share with those close to your age, which is why these planets are sometimes referred to as the generational planets. Some astrologers seem to indicate that the sign of the outer planets is not as important since it's shared by those of your generation; I don't believe this is so. While the sign placement can tell you how your generation is going to leave it's mark, it also tells you about your personal journey with the process of individuation. Its house placement in your chart can tell you what area of life you may be a bit of a maverick compared to the culture you were born into, and its sign can tell you how you go about sifting through what you are from what you've been taught to be.


Here's a small and imperfect Jupiter 'cookbook'. Find your Jupiter sign and house for a snippet about your natal chart. If you don't know where your Jupiter is, you can create a free chart here and find out! Remember, anything taken out of context of the entire blend of your natal chart is like an ingredient in a dish without the other ingredients to add nuance and complexity. Digest these ingredients with a grain of salt, so to speak!


Uranus in Aries

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding war and the right to fight for what we want, possibly as a result of the previous mini generation’s attachment to turning the other cheek.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as the dark face of the vigilante, claiming what it wants without thought or responsibility.  You need to develop your personal identity specifically by boldly claiming who you are and not being afraid to test yourself.  


Uranus in Taurus

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding peace and the potentials of peace, as well as the connections to our own bodies and nature, possibly as a response to the previous mini generation’s drive and angst.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as extreme passivity and overindulgence. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by calmly experiencing yourself over time and watching who you are unfold.  


Uranus in Gemini

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding communication — how it is conveyed and recorded (such as forms of media) as well as our right to say what we want to say, sparking our minds, possibly as a response to the previous mini generation’s too slow and steady pace. The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as pure chaos — frenetic input with no order. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by allowing yourself to question and not being afraid of what the answers may be.   


Uranus in Cancer

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding the family unit and what the stereotype is for what families should look like, as well as a more open idea to what families could look like.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as codependence and whining. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by going within and embracing your own subjective experiences as your personal and valid truth.  


Uranus in Leo

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding what creativity means, what self-expression means, and our rights to express ourselves in any way we choose, as well as our right to simply be noticed. The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as melodramatic and primadonna behavior — too focused on me me me. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by self-expression — let it out and see what’s in there!  


Uranus in Virgo

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding duty and responsibility, possibly as a response to the previous mini generation’s me first childlike behaviors.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as rejecting responsibilities altogether in their attempt to rework it. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by idealizing your true self and embracing patience as you strive toward becoming it.  


Uranus in Libra

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding relationship; experimenting with relationships and allowing partnerships to become more open in their definitions, as well as redefining the rules of ‘marriage’ and how to maintain intimacy without sacrificing individuality.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as instability while experimenting with the boundaries of traditional relationship, as marriages fall apart and relationships seem to have no staying power. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by embracing the input from others and letting the contrast teach you about yourself — to see the paradox of what you are and what others are and letting both exist.  


Uranus in Scorpio

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding sexuality — breaking the old rules of what’s acceptable in this arena, as well as our ability to experiment with our personal sexual freedom and bringing the taboo of sex out into the open — possibly as a carry over for what the Libran mini generation started but didn’t go deeply enough into.  Also more of a willingness surfacing to look deeper into our own psyches and let out of some of our dark that society expects us to keep locked up.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as the inability to control one’s darker impulses (not just sexual) to dangerous and destructive ends. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by encouraging deep transformation by boldly stripping away pretense and lies about who you are.  

Uranus in Sagittarius

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding what is accepted as ‘true’ — society’s religious and cultural morals as well as opening the search for truth up to encompass a more holistic and eclectic view.  A renewal and rewrite of ‘moral code’ may be in response to the previous mini generation’s apparent lack of vision in its dark experimentations.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as fanaticism. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by a willingness to explore with your mind and your body, and accepting that whatever answers you find to questions in your explorations, truth can be fluid and changeable as long as it’s authentically you.  


Uranus in Capricorn

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding the rules and traditions — updating the rules, breaking the stupid ones and rewriting sensible ones that they can participate in creating, as well as dealing with a love/hate relationship with structure.  They’ll simply need to create structure that still allows room to move.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as some potential for ‘big brother’ and corporate values to come into the picture, but there will possibly be just as much distaste for that as support. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by maintaining your integrity and dedication to the goal of being authentic and honest about yourself.  


Uranus in Aquarius

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding the very concept of individuality and an individual’s personal rights — revolutionizing what our very definition of individuality is, all which is possibly in response to the structure fluctuations and new rules put in force by the previous mini generation.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as radical behavior which we dissociate ourselves from understanding what we’ve set in motion.  You need to develop your personal identity specifically by being willing to be weird!  Consider this placement a double dose of your need to be yourself at all costs.  


Uranus in Pisces

On the whole, we can expect revolutionary ideas coming out of this mini generation regarding the idea of the human family, not from an intellectual point of view, but with a new understanding of the psychic connection between us all, as well as a renewal of what it means to enter into a trance state, a spiritual state.  The dark side of this mini generation could express itself as extreme substance experimentation and abuse as they venture into experimentation with altered states, as well as a tendency for one hand to not see what the other hand is doing, or at least, not admit what the other hand is doing. You need to develop your personal identity specifically by listening to your intuitive self and trusting it.  



Uranus in the 1st house

Your personal approach to living life and how to go about moving forward in anything must be uniquely your own.  You must follow your own path when it comes taking control of the direction of your life and making sure the stamp of your personality shows in your actions.  Clarity of your self-image and authenticity in the way others’ perceive you vs. who you really are is vital.  


Uranus in the 2nd house

Your ability to listen to yourself is your most valuable resource.  Follow your genius when it comes to taking care of yourself, on the material plane as well as the emotional plane, because your ability to shape a life where you can rely on your own abilities depends on it.  Your self-confidence will be strengthened if you are able to hear your own voice more loudly than those voices around you — even if those voices are trying to build up your own confidence, you will only believe it by listening to yourself.   


Uranus in the 3rd house

Your genius lies in the ability to see with a unique filter, and you must pursue your own truth when it comes to how you perceive information and its relevance, importance, and potential uses.  Follow your individuality when it comes to putting ideas together that may seem unusual, but are very creative and innovative.  Keep your mind open and always use your voice authentically.  


Uranus in the 4th house

Creating a safe haven where your individuality has free reign to come out and relax is vital to your ability for personal renewal and to feel a sense of groundedness — whatever that word may mean for you.  At the core of your true self lies a completely unique individual (as could be said for us all), but for you, it is what you are built on.  Surround yourself in your private life with a feeling of personal freedom and build a home base (literally and figuratively) based on who you are, because this simple principle will keep you feeling safe and comfortable.  


Uranus in the 5th house

Your greatest source of creativity is your ability to launch into electrified and innovative ‘play’ at any moment.  Cultivate your ability to make creative connections and let your ‘art’ be as free as it needs to be — especially free from critique or purpose.  Let your purpose in creation be purely for expression of your true self.  Find playmates that inspire your authenticity instead of threaten it.  


Uranus in the 6th house

You must be free to be yourself in the work that you do, that is to say, whatever work you do, you need to be free to leave your own personal stamp on it.  The 6th house represents the terrain where we go about doing those daily chores and responsibilities that need to be done — so it is very important that you don’t put anything on your list of things to do that don’t reflect who you are.  We all have responsibilities, and in those you must find a way to make them your own — no working drone!   


Uranus in the 7th house

Your sort of relationship is the sort that gives you a lot of personal space and is built on the foundation of individuality.  It is imperative that you maintain your own individuality when creating bonds and partnerships with others.  Since the 7th house can also describe our natural partners and those sorts of people that we need to learn most from in order to bring balance to our personalities, you may find that you attract others to you who have very distinct personalities and are quite quirky themselves.  


Uranus in the 8th house

Deep within your psyche lies the key to your individuality — and to claim your authentic self, you must be willing to face your demons.  You must learn to be fierce in your dedication to honesty with yourself about who you truly are, even the deep down dark stuff, because a lot of your power lies down in those private places as well.  Be willing to look behind the curtain and bring personal truth into your consciousness, even if it’s less than pretty, as long as it’s authentically you.  Comforting lies will truly keep you from knowing yourself.  


Uranus in the 9th house

Your philosophies about life need to center, at least in part, on the very idea of Uranus.  Make Uranus an integral part of your ‘religion,’ which is to say, allow yourself ultimate exploration when it comes to discovering who you are.  Allow yourself unique experiences and exposure to

other cultures and belief systems.  You will find the most meaning in life when you live according to your own authentic beliefs and truths.  Faith in yourself and the idea of personal truth comes first.  


Uranus in the 10th house

The work that you are meant to do in this life will probably manifest after you have done a great deal of exploration simply finding out who you are.  The work of uncovering your authenticity will lead you to the great work you are meant to do in this life (whether or not the term career fits here is irrelevant).  Your gift to the community will stem from your willingness to explore your individuality.  It is an integral part of your destiny to seek personal truth.  


Uranus in the 11th house

Open your heart to seeking others like you that can understand and help you achieve your unique goals.  Your individuality will likely blossom slowly over time, as you grow and realize how big the world really is and how much of it is inside of you and vice versa.  Plan a future that always allows room for your personal freedom and authenticity and whatever goals you set for yourself will have that principle at their core.  


Uranus in the 12th house

In the 12th house is where we become aware of our connection to greater things, the process and meaning of life that may not be visible to us.  With Uranus here, the more you know yourself, the more you will know ‘god’, however you will come to define the concept of the greater process.  This is the house of the symbolism of microcosm and macrocosm.  What is within you is what is everywhere.  Meditate on your very essence and let it expand.  Instead of being the one person raindrop that falls into the ocean of humanity, be the one person flame that merges into the fire of humanity — a piece of it, but not lost and unidentifiable, always your own.  Let the knowledge of who you are connect you to others — not threaten your identity, but make it shine its own unique light. 

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